When I was homeless, I used to eat trash out of dumpsters and trashcans. Yeah, its kinda gross, but when I was hungry and it was 3am and I had no other options, that was my go to. One of my favorite places to do this was Dunkin Donuts dumpsters, because at the end of the day they throw away all the donuts they didn't sell, and the "good DD dumpsters" will have all those donuts in their own bag separate from all the other trash. Doing this was illegal in Scottsdale, due to a city ordinance that bans dumpster diving, so I had to do it covertly and look over my sholder, but in the wee hours of the morning, being spotted was usually not a problem. Sometimes DD puts coffee grounds in the same bag as the old donuts, so they can be [even more] gross in these instances.
Now this next part is a FREAKIN HUGE deal to me. This wont be a big deal to a normal person, because it is stuff normal people just do and have. But to me, this was an AMAZING experience. Today, I was able to PAY MY RENT..WITH MY OWN MONEY...AND went to a Dunkin Donuts...INSIDE......WHEN THEY WERE OPEN....and used my own DEBIT CARD....to PURCHASE a clean, not-covered-in-coffee-grounds donut (they have this thing called the "shooting star" that is a blueberry frosted donut with cotton candy pop rocks on top...HIGHLY recommend it!) and bacon egg and cheese breakfast sandwich.
Again, what a magical experience this was! It is a LONG way from where I came...and feels good. Again, normal people are gonna be like "Oh yeah buddy, you worked, got a paycheck, had to pay bills, and went and bought breakfast...big F@CKIN deal....want a pat on the back for doing what every one else just normally does?" .
Today I am grateful for my ability to pay my own bills with money I worked hard for and earned. I'm grateful for the positive energy this brings me. I will embrace it 100. I'm grateful that I have a bank account and a debit card that works. I am grateful I was able to go into Dunkin with a group of other sober drug addicts and have an awesome time fellowshipping with GOOD, POSITIVE friends. It was truly remarkable just doing what I'm supposed to do. Today, I'm grateful for shooting star donuts and cotton candy pop rocks, and bacon egg and cheese on everything bagels! I'm grateful for the mind melting melodies of baroness.