I've spent a lot of time in Starbucks bathrooms, not actually going number 1 or number 2. They are great for drug addicts and homeless people. There are usually at least 2 of them, so any actual customers that need to go can always use the other one. They are spacious, usually kept to a pretty high standard of cleanliness, and most of them have a little chest-high metal "tray" that you can use to....put stuff on.....and do things with that stuff.
Some Starbucks will knock on the door and ask "are you okay in there?" while other Starbucks have the bathrooms in such a position where they have no idea who goes in or how long they've been in for. I would spend sometimes over an hour getting high or taking a bird bath. One time in a Tempe Starbucks, I apparently forgot to lock the door and some old lady walked in while I was getting high and was quite startled. I quickly gathered my belongings and headed out and hopped on the nearby lightrail.
The only things I didn't like about them were how hard the floors were, as any time an oil burner was accidentally dropped, it was sure to shatter, and the acoustics of the room. It seemed that every time I clicked a torch igniter or flicked a bic, the sound was amplified like I was in a huge cave.