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Billy and "A"

Writer's picture: andrewotisandrewotis

Due to the aggressive and "not give a flock about hurting people that cross us" nature of a particular biker organization, I've chosen to redact the nickname of a particular person. We will call him "A".

I was once shoplifting at Goodwill at 32nd St and Thomas in Phoenix and met this dude named Billy. He was doing the same thing. He told me about how easy it was to boost from the harbor freight and that they have a "no chase policy" so we walked over and grabbed a bunch of knives and also an 18" machete each. When we left, he said he knew of a spot nearby that we could trade the merch for meth. We walked over to pinchot and 32 and into this super shady apartment complex. He introduced me to A, an older biker tweeker dude, member of a particular motorcycle gang. A offered his apartment to stay in, shower, cook, do laundry, etc in exchange for stolen merchandise on request and a daily payment of a teener (1/16th oz) of meth (about $20-30) I stayed with A for a couple of days in a room full of other boosters. They wanted me to go on missions with them and I did, we planned coordinated and executed licks together until they invited me to do something a little heavier than retail and bike theft. A B&E to steal cash, jewelry, and whatever else was at the targets home. I was told the rules and it was explained that since some of my associates had warrants and would literally do anything to avoid getting caught, things could get hairy if the victim saw us or tried to be a hero. They told me some of the things they had to do before including hog tieing people and threatening people with guns. I decided I would not participate when I imagined the possible outcomes. I left As house that day and while I never returned, I saw him several times walking around in that area.

The first night I stayed there, there was this beautiful Italian girl that said she would cook dinner for the house if I boosted her required shopping list from the nearby Fry's. She was really trying to make a family of this literal den of thieves and drug addicts. I went to Fry's and walked out with a hand basket full of groceries and ended up getting chased through the entire neighborhood behind the store by the Nigerian security guard. Those Nigerians are great runners but he was no match for this twacked out 4 time marathon completer even carrying a heavy basket of pasta ingredients and soda. I got away and made it back to the apartment out of breath. After I recovered and ate dinner I went on a beer run at the circle K right down the street. A informed me that the usual security guard was off for the day with no replacement. I grabbed two 18 packs of Budweiser and when the clerk saw me leaving he asked "are you going to pay for those, sir" to which I responded, "nope" and left. When I got back to the apartment 2 young ladies came over who were in the circle K when it went down, and were like "thats the guy that did the beer run! It was awesome that you were just like "nope" and kept walking. Not so much. :-( even at the time, I was not pleased with my behavior. It was a means to an end.

I ran into Billy many times after that first day. One day he showed me where an unlocked ofo bike was (someone had removed the GPS and lock mechanism). Another time I ran into him at Burger King in South Scottsdale. I was going through my Google drive and found this video of him from that day. He's crazy. He was telling some story and went off on a tangent that made absolutely no sense.

Today I'm grateful that I no longer participating in acts that in some way harm establishments or other people. I'm grateful that I left As home when I did and chose not to do the B&E and be involved in possibly hurting someone. I wish them well, but I'm grateful that I no longer associate with those people.


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