I had a truly amazing experience this morning, for which (guess what?) I am very grateful for. I've been talking to this dude who comes to the 7am AA meeting I go to over the last couple of weeks. He's there every day. He is a homeless newcomer who came to Scottsdale for treatment all the way from Colorado. I don't know the full story of why he is on the street, but I can DEFINITELY tell he wants to get his life together. Well today I saw him, and was like "hey bro how's things?" to which he responded "I've been ahhite." then SHEEPISHLY proceeded to ask me if there was any chance I could help him get a bite to eat. I'm talking the whole "can I talk to you outside?" thing. I was like, "Bet. lets rock over to McDonald's real quick...I'm on bike so I will meet you there." I went over there and sat and waited for him to walk across the street. I was immediately flooded with memories of the last time I sat in that exact same seat. Facing Safeway on Scottsdale Rd and Shea Blvd. It was around end of September, beginning of October last year. I was waiting for someone to finish "shopping" at the Safeway, and the plan was to meet at that McDonald's. I had just met this guy named John who was a homeless pastor, and was talking about his upcoming trip. He planned to, and as far as I'm aware, actually started, leave at Halloween and ride his bicycle all the way from Scottsdale, AZ to Florida. He was tired of his life here in AZ and wanted something new. Anyways, later that night, I ended up getting arrested at the gas station right next to that McDonald's and went to jail on a warrant. John, the bike-to-florida guy, ended up holding my 1992 specialized rockhopper (awesome bike) and all my possessions so they didn't need to get impounded when I went to jail.
The guy from the meeting finally arrived at McDonalds, and I was able to buy him breakfast and share the story of my last time sitting in that seat, and how things are much better for me now, which was awesome. While we were grubbing, the manager walked over and had recognized my friend. He was like "hey man, if you are still interested in a job we really want you to work with us here...". My friend responded "the only issue is I need to get my ID and social security card" . Another employee walked over after that conversation and gave my friend the number to a case worker who gives vouchers for MVA state IDs and gave him the address to go get his social security card. Things are looking good for him. He was extremely grateful for the food and the story I shared. As we parted ways, I was struck with gratitude for the whole situation. Like, I only have a couple of more 24 hours than this guy...and it was VERY recently that I was in his exact same situation. I believe in something stronger than me. Call it God, the Universe, the Spirit of Mother Earth, The Force, Good Orderly Direction, Positive Energy, whatever you want (I call it God personally) but I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that this entity is real, and helps me stay clean and sober every day. There is absolutely no way I could do this on my own.
Today I am grateful for this life giving force that allows me the freedom of choice against the first drink or drug on a daily basis. I'm grateful for the fellowship of the rooms. I'm grateful that I had 15 bucks today to feed someone who was hungry. I'm grateful I was reminded again of how bad things were for me and how good they are when I stay clean and positive.