So just after one of the times I was page 2'd (the time I lost my working privileges and was moved back to an unsentenced pod) I was called out around 9am to go get fingerprinted again (as if my fingerprints changed from the last 3 times they got them? It's their silly protocol) and that process involved going to the holding tank to wait for transport. I was in there several hours by myself. I was so bored I remember using my foot to kick every little piece of trash that was on the ground to the other side of the cell just to pass the time. I practiced some air drums with double bass, did some push-ups, and meditated. Once they came and got me, I was driven to LBJ (lower buckeye jail) and put inside another holding tank for a couple of hours. At least this time there were other inmates there to talk to. Once I was called out to get fingerprinted, I then went back to the holding tank to wait a couple hours for transport. They came and got me, then took me back to Durango. Literally the second I was back in my cell with Old Man Bill and Dom (more on them later) I was immediately called back to the bubble, "Otis you're going to get fingerprinted." I was like "I literally just went and got back" and he was like "Sarge says you gotta go. Don't kill the messenger". Arguing with the DOs is useless, so I had no choice but to comply. I went through the EXACT SAME PROCESS again only when I was called out to get printed this time the officer was like "oh...we already got your prints for this case it looks like the other officer forgot to close out the session" I was like oh awesome. So all that with the second trip was completely unnecessary. When I got back to my cell this time, it was 9am the next day. So I literally spent 24 hours just getting fingerprinted.
Today I'm grateful that I am not in MSCO custody. I'm grateful that I don't have to get fingerprinted anymore. I'm grateful that I don't have to deal with detention officers that have no clue what they are doing. I'm grateful to be outside drying off next to a pool while I write this. I'm grateful that I have the freedom to swim.