Today I woke up at 5:30 to check out my daily status for random drug testing for probation and was up for a drop. I usually only work a half day on Wednesdays due to having to go to SOP group in the evening, also for probation. The fact that the closest drug testing facility is in central Phoenix (pretty far from home and work) made it necessary to call out of work today so I could handle my legal obligations. For a few minutes, I was pretty angry with the probation department...like how do they expect me to pay them $175 a month if I have to call out of work just to comply with two of their other requirements? But this quickly faded as I realized the alternative. What APD is doing is giving me a priveledge. I "get to" take off work (from a job that is understanding and knows my deal) so I can have the priveledge and opportunity to do two small things and stay out of prison. Much needed perspective shift. I let my PO know my plans and she texts me back saying she has all my paperwork filled out to graduate me off of intense probation next Wednesday, August 28. Pretty cool, considering on paper, my term is 2 years and that will be only 5 months.
Another cool thing I got to see today was one of my former Scottsdale using buddies who has decided to take the leap and begin his recovery journey. He was doing his intake where I do group and we talked about our journies. The last time I hung out with this dude, my ex girlfriend, him, and myself locked ourselves in a taco Bell bathroom on McDowell Rd and smoked meth all night. A lot has changed for both of us since then.
Interviewing on probation can be challenging. I feel I am ready to get a better job, yet it is understandably difficult talking to potential employers about my situation. It usually turns them off. I understand it from their end. I am required by law to disclose that I'm on probation and what it's for, and they are not required to listen to or consider me after that :-). It is an exercise in patience, faith, hope, and also my interview skills. Things will work out exactly as they should.