I ran as much as I could in jail, but in certain pods like D8 and while I was in mosaic, it just wasn't possible. We got rec time outside for an hour twice a week usually and since I was there in the winter months it was usually too cold to go out.
For a while I would ask the DOs on their morning walkthrough if I could run in the day room before everyone got up. This is a very small room and I could get a mile in with 33 laps. I also only had Bob Barker flip flops. I had to stop one day because while I had asked and received permission to run from one of the officers, his partner came on the loud speaker after I started and said "this is not your personal gym. No running in the day room!" I remember it vividly. That's like telling someone they are not allowed to breathe. Anyways, I didn't run any more after that.
Today I am grateful to be able to go running outside as a free man. I'm grateful to be able to choose proper clothing and shoes. And that I don't have anyone coming on the loud speaker telling me to stop!