Today I went in for my bi-weekly probation appointment and was the only person in there. I was first on the sign in sheet, and thought this was odd since the North point probation office is usually a hub of probationer activity on Monday mornings. My officer was late to see me and apologized, which was no big deal to me, but she then proceeded to tell me why. She was issuing "a lot of" warrants today and explained that I am one of about seven on her case load of over 60 probationers that is "doing what I'm supposed to be doing". She thanked me for doing good and being an easy case. Im just doing what they told me to do.
Today I am grateful that I wasn't on the list to get a warrant issued. I'm grateful that by doing the right things, IPS is a guide and added *desired* accountability for me, and does not mean "in prison soon", like for most others. It is simple, follow the rules and thry don't bother me. I'm grateful to be in the 11.6% bracket of people on my POs case load she considers to be doing well.