Today I went on a 12 mile run and ended up passing the Albertsons where I fled from Officer Dyer (Shortstack) and got away (and was documented and charged later since he knew who I was). I figured I would pause the run for a couple of pictures. Above is the office complex where I was able to escape as I was on a fast bicycle and he was in a vehicle. Right before the sidewalk is where I ditched the cart I was pulling as I rode my bike. I am currently paying restitution for the some odd $250 groceries recovered from that cart. Next picture below is the spot where I was able to hide and avoid detection. Right through that opening.

Next are close ups of inside the hiding spot

I am very grateful that even though I got away that day, that I was later caught for something else and charged with it. I would not be where I am today if it didn't happen. I am grateful for the rooms and program of AA. Also grateful that I dont have to shoplift to feed myself and also get money for drugs anymore. I'm grateful that I don't have to live that life anymore. Waking up with an obsession to get more drugs and having it be literally the most important thing in my life, more important than a job, family, true friends, and my own health, is not how I want to live life. I'm grateful for freedom from active addiction, and the ability to be happy without meth now. A miracle.