I have been going to PT for my broken arm and usually show up a few minutes before they open. This morning I was there and in rolled an ADC transport van. A CO got out, opened the back door, and out stepped a fully shackled female inmate. Bob Barker's on, she looked at me and I could see it in her eyes. A little bit of "so that's what it's like to be free" mixed with envy and also a bit of hope. I've been there and can completely relate to that look. There was also a look of "you ever seen an inmate before? Do I scare you? What of it?" Hahahaha, girl you don't scare me. I've been where you are before. If only we could have talked about it.
Today I am grateful to be on THIS side of the look exchange. I'm grateful that I am not in custody. I'm grateful that I can come to PT on my own and not in handcuffs and shackles. I'm grateful that I go to work after this, not back to prison.