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Page 2

Writer's picture: andrewotisandrewotis

Getting "page 2'd" means getting new charges while you are already in custody. You get to go through the entire booking and fingerprinting process ALL over again. This happened to me 3 times when I was in jail. The first time was for a charge that was "missed" on my global plea (something that shouldn't ever happen) and happened right when I was moved to a working pod. The working pods are great because having a little job makes the days go by faster. Of course, after only a week, I got page 2d, lost my working privileges, and was forced to move back to an unsentenced pod. My other page 2s happened as i was being released from mosaic. I was supposed to pack up the night of Friday April 12 and head to LBJ to get released, and they called me and about 6 other guys to a holding tank. We had no idea why it happened, but soon learned it was because of a page 2. We got transported back to 4th Ave for court and all had misdemeanor offenses. Mine was failure to pay a fine....after doing the matrix holding tank shuffle and getting fingerprinted, we went to court together and all got OR'd (released). They took us to LBJ (the jail where you get released from when you are at any MCSO facility) and while everyone else was placed in one tank, they called me to a separate one. Once I was in there the other inmates said "this tank is for people with holds" and I thought oh great, another page 2. Sure enough, when the DO came by to check on us and I asked about it he said "Otis? You're waiting for Scottsdale to come and get you" I waited there all night, and finally in the morning I saw my buddy (all of the staff at Scottsdale jail officers know me by name unfortunately). We went to Scottsdale and I went to court right away for a misdemeanor marijuana charge I had got last year. Failure to appear. They wanted me to do some drug classes so I showed them my mosaic certificates and they called it good. I was released from Scottsdale custody in the afternoon on April 13th.

Today I am grateful that I don't have to get page 2d anymore. I'm grateful that I don't do anything to GET any new charges. I have a butt load of fines to pay and will be doing it for some time, but I am grateful I have a job and can do so.



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