I've been awake for weeks at a time before with no sleep at all, not even a nap. Weird things start happening. After the third or fourth night, you start seeing the shadow people. People that are not really there. Rookies will believe what they see, where veterans will be able to laugh it off. After basically being high all day every day for over a year, with "breaks" only during jail booking and processing time, I got to the point where any hallucinations didn't really bother me. Also at that point, I was able to smoke a bowl of meth and fall asleep right after as well as consume pretty large amounts of food.
At this point, my body was literally starved for sleep, as meth is one of the most potent and longest lasting stimulants. Also at this point, my body would go to sleep on its own when it needed to, any time including mid conversation and while riding a bicycle. Passing out on a bike is very scary. I remember times when it was only for a split second, waking up safely coasting forward, other times not so gracefully.
Once I was in Mesa riding in a 2 lane bike path next to the road. At the intersections, there is a cement poll in the middle of the 2 bike lanes. I remember texting while going about 15ish mph on a fixie, then having one of these short blackouts but was immediately jarred back into reality when my right knee hit one of these polls. It was a pretty nasty wreck and my knee swelled up about two times its normal size. I flew off the bike and all my belongings were thrown about. Actual photograph from the scene below

Today I am grateful that (at least most nights) I get enough sleep to get by. Im grateful that I don't get so tired that I fall asleep on bicycles anymore. I'm grateful that I don't ride around Mesa at 2am doing absolutely nothing productive.